Best Ways To Get Rid Of A Double Chin

Conveniently located to serve Pensacola, FL.

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When we gain weight, oftentimes, the first place we notice it is in our faces. There are a few different options to remove fat from the neck and jawline to contour the face and create a slimmer appearance.

Coolsculpting is a non-invasive way to reduce unwanted fat from your face and neck. The Coolsculpting procedure takes place in the office, seated or lying in a comfortable position. The Coolsculpting device will then be placed on the treatment area. You will feel a cooling sensation as the procedure begins. The treatment will take approximately 60 minutes. There is no downtime following the procedure, and you can return to your regular activities immediately after treatment. The final results from the procedure can be seen after three months.

Kybella is another non-invasive option to treat a double chin and fat under the jawline. Kybella is a non-surgical, injectable medication that dissolves fat cells in small areas like the chin and jaw. Kybella is the only injectable approved by the FDA to treat a double chin, creating a youthful, defined jawline and neck area. It’s made up of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body. It then breaks down the fat, which is filtered out of the body by the lymphatic system. Although you can immediately return to your daily activities after Kybella injections, there will be some swelling in the treatment area for the first few days. You can see the final results from Kybella approximately 12 weeks following the procedure.

Liposuction is another option to treat a double chin. It is the most predictable and fastest way to the final result. It can create an amazing change in how you look by removing that excess fat from your chin and neck. Liposuction of the face and neck can be performed in the office. The plastic surgeon will remove unwanted localized deposits of fat cells using a special tube called a cannula, allowing the doctor to sculpt and contour the face. The liposuction results are visible immediately; however, there will be some post-procedure bruising and swelling.

If you have a double chin that you are less than thrilled with, schedule a free consultation with one of our skincare experts at The Skin Care Center at Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery for Coolsclupting or Kybella. If liposuction is the best treatment for you, then schedule a consultation with Dr. Peter Butler, Dr. Jocelyn Leveque, or Dr. Nathan Patterson.

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