It’s IPL Season!

Conveniently located to serve Pensacola, FL.

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If you don’t know what Intense Pulsed Light, or IPL, is and you’ve never had one, you’re missing out. Intense Pulsed Light is an incredible technology that helps keep your skin clear, smooth and fresh looking. For people with certain skin conditions, this specialized light treatment can make a serious improvement in the appearance of the skin.

Intense Pulsed Lasers (IPL) use a high-powered, computer-controlled, hand-held device to deliver a visible, broad-spectrum pulse of light to the treatment area. These light pulses are used to treat sun damage, skin discolorations, acne, and for laser hair removal. Unlike some laser treatments, IPL uses broad-spectrum light energy that allows it to be used to treat a wide range of skin issues.

Patients love that IPL offers a gentle, long-lasting solution for visible signs of skin damage with virtually no down time. While great any time of year, winter is the ideal time for IPL treatments because patients are typically out of the sun. Because IPL treatments remove dark spots on the skin, it is best to have this procedure done when you don’t have a tan. Some people with darker skin tones aren’t candidates for IPL, but the Skin Care Center at Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery has other treatment options available.

Intense Pulsed Light effectively treats a variety of conditions and it is very safe. For patients with age spots or sun damage on the face, neck, chest, hands or other parts of the body, IPL will help even out the skin tone and smooth the skin’s texture. Immediately following this procedure, the dark spots on the skin will get darker. In the days that follow, those dark spots slough away as you cleanse the treated area.

Intense Pulsed Light is also a great treatment for rosacea. A highly trained medical aesthetician will use the IPL to target the small blood vessels under the skin causing the body to break down and remove them. The redness, flushing and visible capillaries at the skin’s surface will gradually vanish with targeted IPL treatment.

Many people also use this type of procedure to get rid of freckles, birthmarks, capillaries, as well as acne. If you are suffering from a skin condition and want to see if an IPL with help you, schedule a free consultation with one of our skin care experts at The Skin Care Center at Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery.

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