Secrets to Keeping Your Skin Looking Youthful

Conveniently located to serve Pensacola, FL.

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Loose and drooping facial skin is one of the unpleasant realities of aging. It’s something that can impact self-confidence and social interactions. While no non-surgical option can provide the amount of correction that a surgical facelift offers, several non-surgical treatments can slow facial aging, allow patients to put off the need for a facelift longer, or extend the results of their prior surgical lift.  


Microneedling is a great way to get more youthful-looking skin. Microneedling is a minimally-invasive, non-surgical procedure that uses tiny needles to create micro punctures in the skin. As these micro-injuries heal, the body generates new collagen. After a microneedling session, the treated area will appear red. This will usually subside within a day. While you will see results after just one session, several treatments are recommended for the best long-term outcome. 


Ultherapy is an innovative technology that uses high-energy ultrasound to non-surgically lift and tighten facial skin. Ultherapy sends ultrasound waves deep into the skin, stimulating collagen production in the deep layers of the skin. Ultherapy treatments are noninvasive, requiring no downtime. For several months after the procedure, the skin will continue to tighten, with the final results lasting for years.

Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is another treatment that can smooth away the signs of aging skin. Often, laser skin resurfacing procedures are used to get rid of scars, rosacea, or spider veins. However, Fractional lasers (also known as Fraxel or ablative lasers) are used to treat fine lines and wrinkles. Fractional lasers work by removing the damaged, top layers of the skin. Laser skin resurfacing is more invasive than other tightening treatments, and there is some downtime, but they provide long-lasting results. 

If you are seeing loose or sagging areas on your face and want to know what the best options are for you, schedule a free consultation with one of our skincare experts at The Skin Care Center at Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery.

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