Knee Rejuvenation

Conveniently located to serve Pensacola, FL.

Front desk photo of Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery office

Do your knees hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? As we age, gravity takes its toll. Some areas of the body show more signs of aging than others. One of those areas are the knees. As we get older, the skin in the area surrounding the knees becomes loose and can start to sag. Some patients also find that fat can accumulate in the knee area. If you have started to notice your knees looking older due to loose skin or fatty pockets, you can rest assured knowing there are a variety of ways to treat these issues. Options range from surgery to injections to liposuction. Our board-certified plastic surgeons will be able to advise you on the best course of treatment for your particular issue.


One option to reduce fatty pockets in the upper knee area is an injectable product called Kybella. Kybella is a FDA approved substance used to reduce moderate to significant amounts of fat in the chin, knee, abdomen and bra areas. This product can be administered in an office setting and will breakdown and dissolve the fat over time.


Liposuction is another great option and the most common method of reducing the fat in the upper knee area. This type of liposuction may be performed in an office setting in 1 to 2 hours. Following a liposuction procedure, the patient may experience some bruising and swelling which will subside over the next 1 to 2 weeks.


Ultherapy is a new technology that uses ultrasound waves to tighten the skin and underlying muscle in certain areas of the body. This treatment is most commonly used on the face and neck areas, but can also provide great results when used to tighten sagging skin in the knee area. An Ultherapy treatment typically takes around an hour and there is no downtime following the treatment.

Thigh Lift

Another option and which is also the most complex option is going to be a thigh lift. Although this is the most complex with the most downtime, this procedure will give the best result for some patients. This is best for patients with a significant amount of loose and sagging skin in the knee area. This is a common procedure for patients who have experienced a large amount of weight loss because it addresses laxity issues throughout the entire thigh area and the knee. This procedure is done in a hospital under general anesthesia with a recovery time of around 2 weeks.

If your knees are showing signs of aging and you’d like to find out what options are best for you, schedule a consultation with one of our award-winning, board-certified plastic surgeons.

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