Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty

Conveniently Located to Serve Pensacola, FL.

Surgical scissor, syringe and other equipment

Achieving your body goals is easier said than done. Often, it involves a lot of physical activity and a strict diet. These are also the reasons why it’s easy to give up, but don’t lose hope just yet!

Our body contouring and cosmetic body surgery options cater to diverse needs, empowering individuals to achieve their desired aesthetic goals. Whether it’s sculpting through liposuction, rejuvenating with a tummy tuck, or achieving comprehensive enhancement with a mommy makeover, our skilled surgeons specialize in tailoring procedures to meet unique aspirations.

Beyond physical transformations, these procedures often contribute to an improved quality of life and wellbeing.

Guide To Facial Procedures and Treatments

What I Wish I Knew

Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty Overview

Under-eye bags are a common complaint voiced by both male and female patients. A lower eyelid blepharoplasty can “unpack” those bags and restore a more youthful look to the eyes and face. The “tear trough” or “orbital-malar sulcus” is usually treated by disrupting the orbital-malar (tear-trough) ligament and draping the orbital fat down into that area to smooth out the sulcus. This technique “takes” from the fullness above and “gives” to the emptiness below. This may be done through an incision inside your lower eyelid or through an incision on your lower eyelid millimeters below your eyelashes. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty takes approximately 2 hours. Some less severe “tear trough” or “orbital-malar” creases can be temporarily masked with dermal fillers.

Facts About Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty

Typical Timing/Age

Patients are usually over 50 years of age.


$2,750 if done in the office. $3,400 if done in OR. *This is an estimation & prices may vary.


To improve the appearance of the eyes by effacing the orbital-malar sulcus and smoothing out the lower eyelid skin.


Patients should wait at least 6 months after LASIK vision surgery. Patients should also have any dry eye symptoms treated prior to undergoing elective cosmetic eyelid surgery.

Hospital stay

This procedure does not require a hospital stay.


After blepharoplasty, you should sleep with your head elevated above your heart for a few days to help reduce the swelling.


You may shower immediately following surgery.


Wait 1 week because you don’t want to increase your blood pressure during the early healing period.


You may be bruised for 1-2 weeks. If you have a desk job you can return to work as soon as you are comfortable doing so. Most people take 1-2 weeks off work.


You may shower immediately following surgery.


The primary deformity in most patients seeking lower eyelid blepharoplasty is the presence of a “tear trough” or “orbital-malar sulcus” which creates the appearance of lower eyelid bags and a tired appearance. This is usually caused by a ligament that tethers the skin to the bone of the inferior orbital rim (see image below). Skin laxity, wrinkles, and pigment changes are other reasons patients seek lower eyelid rejuvenation.


Office, Surgery Center or Hospital


Local anesthesia if done in the office or general anesthesia in a surgery center or hospital.


You will be able to walk around, feed and bathe yourself. Depending on your pain medication requirements, you may not be able to drive or care for others.

Walking After Surgery

You are encouraged to walk around as much as possible to help reduce the risk of DVT and thromboembolism.


Usually greatest around 3 days after surgery from which time it starts to subside. Some patients remain a little swollen for 2 months.


Usually subsides by 1 week.

Risks & Complications

Lower eyelid malposition, dry eyes, chemosis, asymmetry, bleeding, infection, prolonged swelling, need for revision, complications related to anesthesia.

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Before & After Gallery

Procedures are performed by board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons, Dr. Butler, Dr. Leveque, and Dr. Patterson in Pensacola, FL.

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Meet Our Team

At Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery, we understand that the selection of a plastic surgeon is an extremely important decision for any prospective patient. We believe communication, education and individualized patient care are the foundation for creating a strong and trusting patient-physician relationship. Our entire staff is absolutely committed to providing compassionate, personalized, individual attention before, during, and after surgery. We work together to deliver the best possible aesthetic outcomes in a setting that embodies the standards and lifestyle you seek.


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We Accept Financing

Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery offers a variety of payment options so that your cosmetic surgery will suit your budget. All major credit cards are accepted, and financing plans are available.

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