Interested in a Mommy Makeover? Time to Explore Your Options

Conveniently located to serve Pensacola, FL.

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A mommy makeover is a combination of plastic surgery procedures designed to return a pre-pregnancy body to a woman who has previously given birth. Pregnancy can take its toll on a woman’s body in the form of sagging, deflated breasts and a bulging abdomen with excessive skin and stretch marks.

These changes to her body can adversely affect her self-esteem and make a woman feel less attractive than she is. A mommy makeover generally includes a tummy-tuck, a breast augmentation surgery, and a breast lift. It may also include a number of other surgeries based on a woman’s individual goals.

Experiencing some form of volume loss in the breasts is normal after going through a pregnancy. A breast implant, however, can help take care of this issue. An abdominoplasty or tummy tuck can be performed as well to strengthen the mid-area and tighten your waist. The excess lower abdominal skin and stretch marks brought on by pregnancy can be removed.

Things to Consider Before a Mommy Makeover

Surgery cannot replace a healthy lifestyle. It’s important to always maintain a consistent workout schedule and eat clean to maintain a healthy body. A surgical procedure is best combined with a healthy lifestyle because the results will look better and you may heal faster as well. Undergoing plastic surgery can help get rid of excess fat and skin in those stubborn areas that don’t respond well to diet and exercise alone.

Before undergoing the surgery, you should also make sure that you are done having children because another pregnancy can reverse the effects of the surgery and make everything you have just undergone a complete waste

Mommy Makeovers have become popular because it involves multiple surgeries to be completed in one procedure. While this is pocket-friendly, the recovery process is rather extensive due to the invasive nature of the surgeries involved. Patients will need to make sure to have someone available to help them with things around the house while they are going through the recovery period. Having a support system in place before undergoing the surgery is an important part of the entire process and should not be forgotten.

The Mommy Makeover Procedure

A breast lift calls for a circular incision to be made around the areola which is carried straight down toward the fold of the breast. It removes excess skin and manipulates the breast tissue to sit higher. This procedure is ideal for women who want perkier and more youthful breasts.

Augmentation can be done through the same incision. A breast implant is usually of two types – saline and silicone. Breast implants are perfect for women who desire larger and firmer breasts.

A tummy tuck necessitates an incision from hip-bone to hip-bone and can usually be hidden under the bikini line. It permanently removes loose skin and firms up your stomach. Recovery can range from one-four weeks.

When to get a Mommy Makeover?

Some women consider getting a mommy makeover about six months after giving birth. You can talk to your doctor about the best time to schedule the surgery and plan out all the details during a consultation. During this time, your doctor will assess your body and come up with a surgical plan that will help you reach your goals.

Contact Our Office

A Mommy Makeover surgery is the perfect solution for new moms who want to get their pre-pregnancy bodies back. If you are interested in finding out if you’ll make a good candidate for the procedure, contact Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery to schedule your consultation today.

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